Structural and Industrial Fire Fighting

This technical and extensive course is designed to fit to the specific hazards of a particular structure or facility and still compliant with the current standard of care. Aside from the basic safety and widely-accepted fire fighting techniques, the participants are also trained for the particular hazards within their respective facilities.

Alpha-1 Technical Training's Industrial Fire Fighting training is not only knowledge based focused but also requires skills and visualization in order to properly utilize fire fighting equipments such as fire extinguisher, alarm system, industrial water supply, tank fire control and other fire equipments. From how to use the fire extinguisher, how to properly respond to alarms, basic foam operations, up to proper handling of hose and ladders, our training program together with our internationally certified instructors guarantees that all our participants meet and exceed training objectives under international standard.

Alpha-1’s Structural and Industrial Fire Fighting program is not your typical fire fighting program as we not only follow local standards but our curriculum is in accordance with NFPA standards. Our participants once completed our courses will walk away with valuable knowledge on how to protect their facility, co-workers, and themselves in cases of fire. Chances are, your personnel will be asking when and what our other advanced courses are due!

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